
Let's build something exciting together


Git Clone (g-root)

Node.js & Javascript



GRoot is a simplified version control system implemented in Node.js. It mimics the basic functionalities of Git, such as tracking changes, committing updates, and managing a staging area. Groot is designed for educational purposes to help understand the core concepts of version control. Features 1) Initialize Repository: Set up a new GRoot repository. 2) Add Files: Stage files or directories for tracking. 3) Commit Changes: Save changes to the repository with a message. 4) View Commit History: List all commits with their details. 5) Show Commit Differences: Compare changes between commits. 6) Check Status: View the status of the working directory and staging area. 7) Stash Changes: Temporarily save changes for later use. 8) Ignore Files: Use .grootignore to exclude files and directories from version control.



